The Victorian Government is working with licensees, government departments, agencies and industry to implement a range of liquor licence relief measures in response to COVID-19.
“We appreciate that many of our licensees and their staff are struggling and want information about how these relief measures will be delivered,” the Government said. “We are working rapidly to respond to these measures.
Measures to support industry have been introduced, including waiving all Victorian liquor licensing application fees for 2020 and refunding (or waiving) the 2020 liquor licence renewal fees for affected businesses.
Reimbursement is available for businesses that have paid their annual 2020 liquor licence or BYO permit renewal fee.
It is streamlining temporary limited licence applications for the supply of liquor for takeaway and delivery.
“We will make every effort to determine these applications within 72 hours,” the Government said.
There is also a streamlined processes for temporary limited licence applications finalised within three business days.
The Government has waived application fees for temporary limited licences to allow businesses with an existing liquor licence to supply liquor for takeaway or delivery.
There is no fee associated with this application.
The duration of the temporary limited licence is September 15, 2020 or the date on which the State of Emergency declared in Victoria over COVID-19 ceases to be in force.
It has also allowed virtual classroom delivery of the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training by VCGLR approved Registered Training Organisations.
To find out more click here.