
How Effective are Off Premise Promotions?

How Effective are Off Premise Promotions?

An invitation to suppliers and retailers to contribute to the Drinks Association & Exceedra survey
The world has changed and moved on in the past 18 months, but have off-premise promotions kept pace?
Will what has worked historically work in the future? What will be the role of promotions once much of Australia comes out of lockdown, and what does that mean for the industry in 2022 and beyond? Are ‘consumer promotions’ at saturation point, and what needs to change?

Trade Promotions Management specialists Exceedra, in conjunction with the Drinks Association, are excited to announce Project Yield. This survey seeks to provide the industry with an overview of the current state of, and future opportunities for, off-premise promotions in order to increase their effectiveness.

Survey findings will be available exclusively to Drinks Association members and those participating in the study.

The Project Yield study will provide a 360 degree view via retailers, manufacturers and shoppers into a number of areas related to off-premise promotions, including:
  • What has and hasn’t changed in off-premise promotions and what needs to, particularly in light of pandemic changes and some states reopening
  • What’s important in running promotions
  • What works and what doesn’t
  • Which promotions have most and least appeal
  • Promotion types most recalled, entered, and preferred.  Appeal of various prize types and mechanics
  • Perceptions of level of promotional saturation
Call for interview Expressions of Interest
Have your say on the current and future state of off-premise promotions by expressing your interest in a 20-minute phone/zoom interview. Interview participants will remain anonymous and receive a copy of the full findings of the study when it is released next year.

We are seeking insights from a cross section of industry representative views from retailers and manufacturers, and across role types. For example, in retail we'd like to hear from category buyers, banner group managers and marketers, store managers and regional managers. From suppliers, we’re keen to hear from marketers and shoppers, customer and trade marketers, category, and sales people.

Interviews will be conducted during October by independent professional researcher, Norrelle Goldring. Expressions of interest can be made via email. Please include Project Yield in the subject heading and your contact details within the email.

We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your views. 
Interviews with the trade will take place throughout October with summary findings provided in November.

The shopper survey will take place in November with summary findings to be published in January 2022.

For further information about Project Yield and to answer any queries you may have, feel free to contact: 

Rachel Wormald, Drinks Association
Simon Elsby, APAC Sales Director, Exceedra
Norrelle Goldring, Consultant

Exceedra is an Associate Member of the Drinks Association