Are you aware of your organisation's current status in terms of diversity and inclusion? Do you have a clear path forward for further progress? Are our members aware of how they stack up against other industry organisations and do they possess the knowledge to advance?
These are the questions that the Embrace Council ponders annually as we create the Embrace Difference Scorecard and Toolkit.
In 2020, the Embrace Difference Council initially introduced the Scorecard & Toolkit, primarily focusing on gender-related metrics based on WGEA data. Since then, we have expanded our measurements to encompass various diversity and inclusion initiatives beyond gender. Each year, the Council strives to enhance support for its members and increase engagement with the developed resources.
To achieve this, we have consolidated the Embrace Difference Scorecard and Toolkit into a comprehensive Diversity & Inclusion Report, streamlining it into a single, accessible reference point for members, simplifying the sharing of this valuable resource throughout their organisations.
One challenge we have faced was the timing of data acquisition from the WGEA platform, which wasn't available until November each year. This meant that when the scorecard was compiled, an entire year had passed, rendering the results less actionable. To address this issue, a dedicated portal has been established on the Drinks Association website to manually collect WGEA data, providing access to mid-year results. Members are now required to enter their data in the portal in April/May, with results available by August/September, ensuring more timely and meaningful data delivery.
Additionally, the Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit has been expanded to offer member organisations best practice examples and customisable documents. It is organised into three levels of business involvement: Foundation, D&I Everyday, and Leading By Example. Within these levels, members can find valuable tips, real-life examples from fellow members, and links to additional resources, all designed to inspire and encourage Diversity & Inclusion initiatives within the drinks industry.

Notable highlights from the 2022/2023 Scorecard include:
100% of drinks industry members now provide paid primary carer leave, and there's been a significant increase in businesses offering secondary carer leave.
89% of member businesses conducted pay gap analyses, 22% found no unexplained gaps.
There has been a decrease in the number of females in managerial positions within the industry, indicating the need for ongoing efforts to eliminate barriers and empower women in leadership roles.

Throughout this report, you'll discover stories of drinks industry businesses actively listening to their employees and prioritising change. With an unwavering commitment to their mission of fostering a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive liquor industry, they are actively shaping a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

The report will be made available on the Drinks Association website where you’ll require a login to access and it will be presented at a virtual session open to all, in February 2024 with more details to follow.