
Register for IRI's industry essential event

Register for IRI's industry essential event

More than 3,000 people have already registered for what promises to be the region’s largest gathering of industry professionals in the FMCG sector. IRI's State of the Industry will be hosted as a virtual event starting at 9.00am on Wednesday, 9 November.

The presentation will explore the aftermath of the global pandemic, the challenges and opportunities facing both retailers and manufacturers and how to drive growth in an inflationary environment impacted by volatility, climate change and increased demand for personalisation and convenience.

Paul Hinds, Managing Director for APAC said: “This year’s State of the Industry event will be one of the largest events IRI has ever held in the region, signifying the importance of the initiative for everyone involved in the FMCG sector. Some 3,000 people are expected to take part. The number of people across industry seeking help and guidance is at an all-time high.

“Australia and New Zealand have shown extraordinary resilience in the face of one of the most significant catastrophic world events in modern history. While we are now coming out the other side of the pandemic, we are walking straight into another unique set of challenging circumstances that require equally careful navigation. Inflation, weather events, continuing supply chain issues and labour shortages are impacting our day-to-day life as well as our ability to plan and invest with confidence into the future."

Topics covered will include:
• Macro trends impacting the FMCG sector
• Retail resilience despite patchy performance, real income declines and higher interest rates
• Inflationary indecision and resultant market uncertainty
• Volatility due to ongoing pandemic hangover and cost of living pressures
• Evolution of sustainability imperative and its economic benefits
• Beyond the hype – unpacking mixed momentum for categories, channels and products
• Looking forward, how to stay ahead of the curve

Hinds said: "We know the future holds immense scope for innovation and growth for the FMCG sector provided we understand how to translate the macro and micro challenges and consumer sentiment and changing behaviours into opportunities."

Along with Hinds, the State of the Industry address will also include presentations from:

  • IRI Managing Director, NZ: Craig Irwin
  • IRI NZ Head of Retail and S&I: Debbie Simpson-Pudney  
  • IRI Insights Director, Daniel Bone
  • Chief Economist, ASB Bank, Nick Tuffley and
  • Professor Rachel Kennedy, Associate Director (Product Development), Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science.

Event details
Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Australia: 09.00am to 11.30am (AEST)
New Zealand: 11.00am to 1.30pm (NZST)
To register: